Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Lactic Acid System

-Intense pain most commonly used by athelets felt during exhaustive exercise, espiecally in a long duration sport such as 400m and 800m.
- it happens due to the breakdown of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
-"85 grms of ATP and would use it up very quickly if we did not have ways of resynthesising it"
The lactic acid system is capable of releasing energy to restore the ATP without the involvement of oxygen and is called anaerobic glycolysis. (breakdown of the glucose which causes lactic acid as a biproduct)
Lactate is reproduced in the liver to make glucose that will provide you with more energy.

this shows the breakdown process of lactic acid. carbohydrates are in the body as glycogen. the system shows the glycogen being taken down to glucose, the glucose is broke down to the pyruvic acid and then into Lactic acid.


Monday, 14 May 2012


Body sends signal to the muscle letting it know it needs more energy
ATP breaks down to ADP
PC (Phosphio Creatine)
ADP takes away the Phosphio from the Creatine to make ATP
As PC is breaking the short burst of energy which is about 10 seconds long is released
Short sports like 100m sprint, long jump, triple jump, 50m swimming uses the ATP/PC system to get that short powerful burst of energy
Anaerobic alatic energy system (10 seconds) - long jump, triple jump, 100m sprint
Anaerobic lactic energy system (1 minute) - 200m sprint

PC like ATP is stored in the muscles cells
Some of the energy is used to move the muscles whilst some is stored to reform

Long jump, triple jump, 100m sprint, javelin, shotput, discus, high jump,
 To test this we went to the gym and did a few exercises that would test this system, one of these exercises was the leg push. I managed to psuh all the weights because of the ATP/PC system, it gave me enough energy for a short burst of time to allow me to push the weights.