Monday, 30 April 2012

Long term effects

Over a long term of doing fitness and keeping active, the body becomes alot stronger; Muscles get bigger so breaths get deeper to get more oxygen into those muscles and the bones become stronger to support the muscles and eachother as they become more dense.
CardiovascularLong term affects make the heart get bigger and stronger because that too is a muscle. The stroke volume of the heart increases because it's much stronger than before which means it is more powerful and can pump blood around the body alot faster and get the ocygen to where it needs to be.
MusculoskeletalBones are made up of 4 different layers; articular cartlidge; cancellous (spongey bone); cpmpact bone and bone marrow. The compact bone is the layer on the outside and the cancellous bone and bone marrow are on the inside. The more you excercise, the more dense your bones become, which makes them less likely to shatter or break of an accident were to occur e.g getting kicked in the shin during a football game.
RespiratoryThe muscles between your ribs are called 'intercostal' muscles and beneath the ribs their is a long muscle going horizontally called the 'diaphragm.' When you breath in  your inter-costal muscles and diaphragm expand. Because more exercise is being done bigger breaths need to be taken so the diaphragm has to expand even more.


When you excercise over a long period of time, your body begins to adapt to the daily excercises. For example, if a person decides to take up jogging then this is what will happen:
Day 1: Go for the first jog, last 10 minutes before becoming weak and out of breath
Day 2-5: Lasted 10 minutes, breathing more steady
Day 6-10: lasted 20 minutes, breathing more steady not as weak
Day 11-20:  Lsted 30 minutes, not tired not weak

Every day that the person jogged the muscles in the legs teared and repaired making them bigger and stronger, because the muscles were getting bigger and stronger the heart rate needs to increase so it can take in more o2 to the muscles. Because the muscles have become alot bigger the bones also need to get stronger to support them so they become more dense.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Effects of exercise

Effects of exercise:
Are needed to move our body
In order for them to work they need oxygen
The more we work the more 02 and energy we need
Check breathing rate (how many breaths are done in a certain amount of time)
Increase( as the body is being used more breathing will increase due to cardiovascular)
Muscles need more 02 from the blood and need to get rid of CO2 which is also being brought in
Vessels(allow the transport of blood throughout the entire body)
Check blood pressure (determines if blood pressure is high, low or average using a blood pressure monitor wrapped tightly around the opposite side of the elbow where the veins are most visible )
Increase (blood pressure will increase when doing exercise)
Blood needs to be controlled as it travels through vessels (if blood pressure is to high when it travels through the vessels it could put to much pressure against the vessel wall and damage it)
Heart(pumps blood around the body through the vessels)
Check resting heart rate (counting how many times your heart beats/pulse beats for 10 seconds then times that number by 6)
Increase (do exercise and check heart rate again )
The blood needed to travel faster around the body so it could get the O2 to where it needed to be
More O2 needed ( more breaths are needed so that more O2 can be inhaled and taken to the right places)

Respiratory test (short term)

Respiratory: Lungs, Breathing

To test this we played ultimate frisbee!
the effect this had on my breathing was that it caused it to increase because i was moving around alot so my heart beated faster making my breathing harder.
Before we started we were asked to take our breathing rate then take it again after the game was done.
36 before the game and 42 afterwards.
we testeted how many breaths i took after by breathing onto my hand.
My breathing rate had to increase as my heart rate increased because my heart needs to pump more blood around the body to get the oxygen into the muscles.

bronchi connect to the lungs, within the lungs the bronchi go into smaller bronchi and even smaller tubes called bronchioles which end in tiny air sacs called alveol. The alveoli is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide happens. with every breath air fills a large portion of the alveoli and oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood through the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) that line the alveolar walls.

Cardiovascular tests (short term)

Cardiovascular; heart, veins, arteries, pulse, blood pressure.

Blood pressure
the blood pressure device was wrapped around my arm to the oppisite side of my elbow tightly  ( thats where the veins are more noticable and easier to read) when the monitor started it began to get tighter (this puts pressure on the veins which causes the blood to pump around harder)
my  blood pressure results before exercise: 120/57

my blood pressure results after exercise for 1 minute: 104/51
i think the reason my result was lower was either because i didnt measure it accurately due to the monitor not being in the correct place or because i had rested.
The blood pressure tests the presure of which the circulating blood hits the walls of the blood vessels, hitting the wall to hard means you have a high blood pressure which could cause a heartattack and strokes whereas, not hitting it hard enough means your blood pressure is low and could cause dizzyness, sleepyness and nausea.

The normal blood pressure in teenagers (15years) is approximately 125/79 but age, weight, height and gender has a difference.

(the reason the blood pressure increases when exercise is being done is because more blood is pumped around the vessels which is putting more pressure on the veins)
Cardiovascualr response to exercise

Before doing the exercise given to me from the other group, i rested for 2 minutes and then took my pulse rate (.....108......), i then began doing the exerise given to me and took my pulse rate during (......189......) when i had finished i took it one last time (..180.............)
The cardiovascualr response my body had was that my pulse rate increased once i had started doing the exercise because my heart was beating faster and having to pump more blood around my body to get the oxygen into my muscles and the blood into my veins, it then decreased when i stopped because my heart had rested.

Musculoskeletal (short term)

The musculoskeletal system is made up of muscles and bones:
The joints are two bones that are connected together by ligaments and make the skeleton flexible.
When doing everyday things the muscles pull on the joints allowing it to move.
Tendons connect the muscle to the bone.
-Muscles move body parts by contracting and then relaxing, the muscles can pull the bones but they can't push them back to their original position which is why they work in pairs of flexors and extenders (for every muscle in the body, there is an opposite e.g triceps straightens arm and biceps bend arm). The flexing muscle contracts which allows the limb to bend at the joint then the flexor relaxes and the extender contracts so the limb can straighten back out.

To measure my muscular skeletal system I did the Sit'n'reach because its the only thing that can really show me how flexible my muscles and skeleton is.
I measured how flexible I was before any exercise , I could reach to 36
After doing some exercise on the trampoline and using my joints alot I tested again and had improved by 2, my partner also increased in her result.
The reason why we both increased in our results after exercise was because when we exercise, our muscles work by sliding fibres across each other which makes the muscles get warmer and more loose, as I reached forward my abdominal got smaller allowing my erector spinae to get longer.

The fibres that are sliding aross eachother cause friction, the friction causes tiny tears in the muscles which then repair them self bigger and stronger ( this doesnt show an immidiate result, that is how muscles are built up over time) because the fibres in the  muscles in the part of the body that is being used are tearing, that muscle becomes weaker and starts to ache. That is why some people take steroids (because sterios stop the muscles from aching which means that person can continue to use it.)

Red and white meats:

Red meats- Cow, Lamb, duck
White meats- chciken, turkey, rabbit

They are classified as red and white meat because of the colour of their meat due to how active that animal usually is, white meats tend to get alot of exercise making their meat less fatty and more healthy for you whereas red meats such a cows always tend to be standing still or sitting down.