Cardiovascular; heart, veins, arteries, pulse, blood pressure.
Blood pressure
the blood pressure device was wrapped around my arm to the oppisite side of my elbow tightly ( thats where the veins are more noticable and easier to read) when the monitor started it began to get tighter (this puts pressure on the veins which causes the blood to pump around harder)
my blood pressure results before exercise: 120/57
my blood pressure results after exercise for 1 minute: 104/51
i think the reason my result was lower was either because i didnt measure it accurately due to the monitor not being in the correct place or because i had rested.
The blood pressure tests the presure of which the circulating blood hits the walls of the blood vessels, hitting the wall to hard means you have a high blood pressure which could cause a heartattack and strokes whereas, not hitting it hard enough means your blood pressure is low and could cause dizzyness, sleepyness and nausea.
The normal blood pressure in teenagers (15years) is approximately 125/79 but age, weight, height and gender has a difference.
(the reason the blood pressure increases when exercise is being done is because more blood is pumped around the vessels which is putting more pressure on the veins)
Cardiovascualr response to exercise
Before doing the exercise given to me from the other group, i rested for 2 minutes and then took my pulse rate (.....108......), i then began doing the exerise given to me and took my pulse rate during (......189......) when i had finished i took it one last time (..180.............)
The cardiovascualr response my body had was that my pulse rate increased once i had started doing the exercise because my heart was beating faster and having to pump more blood around my body to get the oxygen into my muscles and the blood into my veins, it then decreased when i stopped because my heart had rested.
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